
We have delivered with satisfaction the first LOSP impregnation treatment plant for a large Australian company.

The installation

Our team of engineers and specialized technicians went to Australia to carry out the installation, coordinating the team of Australian technicians. Training for the operators and testing of the plant was also carried out. 

The LOSP treatment

The name LOSP identifies a solvent based treatment, which contains fungicides and insecticides. 

The wood is impregnated with "eco-frendly" preservatives, i.e. low environmental impact 🌱 which guarantee resistance to the attack of termites and fungi.

It is used for the treatment of wooden structures up to use class 3, i.e. where the wood is outside but not in contact with the ground.
The key advantage of the LOSP treatment process is that it does not cause any change in moisture content, size or structural classification of wood products.
For this reason it is ideal for the treatment of wood products that are finished in size, with tight tolerances, such as window frames, cladding and cladding panels. Likewise, it is also ideal for structural or engineered timber products (such as LVL and glulam products) that rely on a low moisture content for structural classification.